Hello Edmonton!

I am Buzz, the Hornet of The Edmonton Stingers.

Did you know that the official sport of hornets is basketball? So, I grew up shooting hoops with my team in the hive! It wasn’t too long ago where I was just your average hornet, going about my buzzy-business and playing basketball.

One day, I was buzzing around the Canadian Forces Base in Cold Lake, Alberta where I saw a CF-18 Hornet. These jets were magnificent, fierce, and fast. Just like me! After seeing these Jets, I became inspired and realized that it was time for me to leave the hive. I hit the road and ended up in Edmonton!

That was when my journey began with The Edmonton Stingers. They immediately wanted me to become a part of the team. In fact, our logo was inspired by the magnificent CF-18 Hornet that inspired me! If you look closely, you can see the Fighter Jet with an E attached to the wings; representing our amazing city of Edmonton.

The Edmonton Stingers have become my family and the arena is our hive. We hit the court hard. We always have a mission to strike, and we always hit our target! We are fierce, fast, and we are champions. We are Stingers!

This is #OurGame and we always #FeelTheBuzz.


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